In general, I must admit my blog feedback is encouraging. I even find myself blushing at times when those I know (and don’t know) comment on my posts and even contribute to my subject matter.
But accepting any negative feedback is crucial to the success of any project and there was one particular reaction which was not wholly positive and so I am now feeling the need to share my justification of the point made.
My approach, when selecting my subjects for interview, review or simply general observation, leans towards things that I appreciate in life, hence the label: life of yablon. It turns out this can be annoying as life is not just a bundle of laughs or simply pleasure after pleasure. But the issue here is that there is a great deal that I love.
The gentle criticism has made me think of all the really small but utterly significant things I love in life. I love people watching from my desk onto the busy street. Chatting to random people in a cool coffee shop. Him realising that I was right about something. After Eight mints. A powerful DVD on a Sunday evening. An empty house. A clean car. The smell of a chicken roasting in the oven. A long walk on a deserted beach. Ridiculously early nights with a pile of magazines. Window shopping online. A Skype call with my 18 month old nephew.
I could go on and on. My point though is that it is the sum of these things which makes me happy. Maybe irritatingly happy and for that I apologise.