It’s so rare that I make a real fuss… about make-up. I sometimes wonder if it is just because I was never the little girl watching my mother taking hours to apply her war paint. My mother has always been keener on Mozart and Molière and less keen to waste her time on frivolous make-up.
But today I squealed. And then I spent a good 30 minutes playing with the radically designed Ellis Faas products. Looking more like bullets than eyeliners and lipsticks, these silver pens are the absolute future of face-colouring-in.
Dutch make-up artist, Ellis recognised the need for an overhaul of our mismatched, often misplaced, vanity case. Her revolutionary concept of a bunch of pens which sit, quite beautifully, in a streamlined, sci-fi-esque holder is just too thrilling for any girlie girl to bear.
The Faas range has been created using the human palette for inspiration, such as a drop of blood, or a purple bruise. And there is a reason for this; her colours miraculously suit everyone, despite our varying skin tones. Petrified of red lipstick (on me or on anyone near me), I only applied the Milky LipsL201 to make Mini-Me laugh. She didn’t though; we both agreed it was completely fabulous and should become my new ‘after-dark’ look.
Made with the highest quality ingredients, the range could not be described as a bargain but is worth dipping your toe in the water to try at least one bullet. SPACE.NK offers a great selection.