Utterly boring (I thought) to compose a post of MY new year resolutions…. but much more interesting to ask a few of those who have inspired me during 2012. Feeling suitably nosey, I enquired what their resolutions are for the coming year…
Millie Kendall of Beauty Mart is full of resolution: ‘I want to look like I work in the beauty industry – as opposed to my normal look, which is that of a builder! I will attempt to wear make up and have my hair and nails done regularly!’
Julia Burness of Julia Burness Jewellery is adamant that she will properly learn the Italian language this year.
Erica Illingworth of Molly Brown London told me that her new year resolution is cut down on her guilty pleasure, www.dailymail.co.uk
Katie Lightfoot of Mercy Delta reveals her resolution is to ‘de-clutter my handbag. It weighs as much as a small horse, and is slowly crippling me.’
Loma-Ann Marks of Culture Compass vows to finish her book.
Melanie Roseveare of Melody Rose wants to keep her resolution simple: to get out of her studio more often and be more sociable!
Emily Cohen of Sunuva is determined to book a fabulous Christmas holiday for next year and avoid cabin fever in the rain.
The Queen’s milliner, Rachel Trevor Morgan, promises herself to do 15 minutes ballet each day and – of course – to wear more hats.
a HUGE thank you for reading my 251 posts during 2012!
with love from Life of Yablon xxxx