Once upon a time on a not-so-deserted island lived a king of dance music. Having led the life of an international DJ (as well as the head of the highly successful dance label, Azuli), this king was searching for a different kind of treasure. And, in an undiscovered spot where the rocks meet the sea, he found the perfect location for his beach club, Amante. It is now one of Ibiza’s fairytale-esque destinations to relax, eat and let your imagination go…
Highly unusually for me, I was struck dumb upon arrival. The view, the buzz, the atmosphere and the incredible service simply blew me away.
As I sipped my freshly-made Ibiza Detox juice, I was just dying to know how and why Dave Piccioni had created this beautiful chill-snooze-eat concept:
To the non-Ibizan, how would you describe Amante?
It’s a cool tranquil escape, a place to enjoy great food and service in an area of outstanding natural beauty
How did you find the location for Amante?
I used to come to the original restaurant here years ago to recover from my all night party sessions. There would be a couple of old hippies and a dog hanging around. I’d have a salad and then fall asleep in a hammock. It’s changed a bit since then.
Who do you find the Amante Beach Club attracts? Young or old?
The beauty of Amante is that it attracts all ages, colours and creeds…
Do the sunbeds attract a different type of client to the restaurant?
Not really, most come for the day, eat lunch – and some even stay for dinner too.
Do you have any me-time to enjoy the view?
I try to get there early in the morning (around 8am) as the light is great and it’s a great mediation spot.
What is the perfect sound track to eat to?
The Amante soundtracks – of course! I was in the music business for 25 years, so I now spend a lot of time compiling the music for the beach club. For me, it’s as important as the food, and often not given enough importance in the restaurant business.
How different are the music and restaurant business?
Well, the restaurant business is much harder work! But I love working by the sea and not in an office. Interestingly the music business relies on hype and PR, it’s all about creating a buzz and some attention – even if the product you are selling is not very good. In the restaurant business, you are judged clearly by the product, the food and the service.
What is your perfect meal and who would you choose to eat with?
Asian actually (Thai or Malay) – unfortunately not easily found in Ibiza, but it definitely would be with my family.
Tell us a secret about the island.
Mid October is THE secret: we have fantastic weather and there is hardly anyone here!
Amante Beach Club ( http://www.amanteibiza.com) is located above Sol d’en Serra beach, just outside Santa Eularia. For wedding/party enquiries, contact: zeta@amanteibiza.com
(I was listening to Amante Ibiza Volume 1 as I wrote this…)