The idea is meant to be simple. Instead of eating your 5 a day, you can just add a superfood fruit powder to your smoothie or juice.
But my thing is that I actually LIKE eating fruit and veg. (as well as chocolate and cakes). However, I’m curiously drawn into the marketing behind Elle MacPherson’s Super Elixir by the promise of energy. Short, dark days mixed with a new, demanding job, plus my old job and blog writing on top of those nights out to review… and that’s all before I’ve done homework hour, music practice and those hateful weekly spellings. I’d trade more energy for anything – it’s the commodity I’d pay over the odds for.
Which is why I spent £36 on this brown packet.
There’s value in this green magic. Alfafa, spinach, wheatgrass, pineapple, apple, goji berry, beetroot, broccoli and some ‘alkalising super greens’ don’t come cheap. But it’s actually sweet in taste, vibrant in colour and promises me no dull peeling or grating.
Macpherson and her Harley Street nutritionist Dr Simone Laubscher have joined forces in a bid to try and shift our bodies to within the perfect alkaline range. As with all things beauty, it’s the ‘beauty from within’ approach with some dedicated cellular nutrition.
So, my instructions are: two teaspoons for seven consecutive days in order to be transformed.
In short, one legal powder, a bucket load of greens and (apparently) a LOT of energy… I’ll let you know…
The Super Elixir can be purchased here.

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