It all began with Kooky Cook’s birthday a couple of years ago. Scouring my favourite online outlets, I couldn’t find anything original enough for her. Then I came across Freckles in the Sun. Inspired travel ideas for those of us with kids out of nappies and a shop tempting me with an eclectic mix of goodies.
The birthday girl received Solwang Design’s divine coloured cotton dishcloths (which were exclusively sold by Freckles in the Sun but now you’ll find them in Skandium and other scandi retailers) and a Keepcup, in a wacky colours.
So imagine my surprise when I put 2 and 2 together and realised that My Blonde has been friends with Freckles for years…. A small yet fabulous world.
I met Freckles for coffee last week to find out what is currently rocking her mostly-sunny world. She and her gang have travelled (and blogged) from NYC to Belize to Somerset over the past few months and have brought us home a little something for those looking for that exclusive purchase…
COMPETITION PRIZE: Current mouse-candy on her site is New Yorker Iwona Ludyga’s silver skully bracelet (£90), so I begged Freckles (shamelessly) to give one away to a lucky LifeofYablon reader. For a chance to win, read about her NYC travels here and tell us which month she went?
Email the answer to
Competition ends 8th July 2012.
follow @yablon to find out the winners of this competition…