There’s a running joke in our family. If the Ocado man doesn’t deliver, we will starve to death. Except that it’s not a joke AT ALL. I’ve tried to be a mooch-around-the-supermarket type of girl and… well, it just isn’t happening. The bottom line is that there is too much else I’d rather be doing.
So, understandably, I’ve been a little nervous of my men (in Ocado uniform) leaving me in the lurch. Certain items are running low (or out) and chit-chat around the top of the range Aga is that times are tough for the food delivery team. Sister-in-law is fed up of finding no clickable nappies when she logs on and even suggested we moved across to another online grocer. ‘God forbid’ was all I could utter as I enjoyed her malteser cake (ingredients delivered by you know who).
In steps our knight in shining armour: Sir Stuart Rose.
He of ex-bras and knickers retaildom (he left M&S in late 2010 after a 6 year stint) will now be responsible for my groceries. And, aged 63, he is indeed no spring chicken. But any retail analyst (of which I am not despite my shopping habits) would agree that his experience is rich and his strategy will be strong.
And let’s hope so. Otherwise you’ll find a bunch of skeletons at this end.
For the more sensible business story, read this.