I’ve just been shopping and if you know me well, there is absolutely nothing unusual about that. Except that if you know me really well, you’ll be very surprised to know that I have been to Argos. I have lived within 200 metres of Argos for more than ten years and yet never crossed their threshold. It is not that I have deliberately avoided the shop, but just never felt the urge to make it my shopping destination. And, as a result, I am sure I have paid over the odds for the same items sold in neighbouring shops.
Today I needed a Dictaphone. I have to mention it yet again; I am interviewing Steven Spielberg and his War Horse cast at the official press conference at Claridges on Monday morning. The Dictaphone will be even more important than what I wear as there is every possibility I will be utterly star struck and forget how to write.
Back to Argos. I felt lost. Flicking through the big book (ie bulky laminated catalogue) was not easy, especially when all I could spot were Nintendo DS, iPods and dvd players. Having seen the Argos catalogue in friends’ homes, I wondered if the initial shopping experience begins with slippers on and a big cup of tea in hand?
I must have looked desperate as I was approached by Sanjeev. Although he initially did not know what a Dictaphone was, he then picked up speed and guided me through the efficientArgosshopping experience.
The business has been around since the early 70s and clearly has its fans. Personally, although my experience today was a good one, unless I was desperately seeking another Dictaphone, I can’t high street shop without the pleasure of seeing and touching my pickings.

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