A New Yorker living in London recently asked me where I would recommend for a post-work-pre-dinner blow out (blow dry to us Brits) and manicure. And she meant SIMULTANEOUSLY. Other than Groom in Selfridges which was fully booked (with New Yorkers), I struggled to advise. But, now that Benefit’s flagship boutique has opened today on Carnaby Street, I’ll simply send her there.
Upstairs you’ll find the full range of Benefit make-up on display – as well as a beauty station where you can have your make-up and lashes done.
Downstairs is where the magic really happens: blow dry, spray tan, manicure and waxing… all while you sip champagne.
And as a brand never one to miss a marketing trick, check out Benefit’s social invitation to tell ALL your friends how great you look….

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