Let’s get this straight. This weekend, while I am nursing Small’s sky-high temperature, Mini-Me’s icky tummy and general end-of-term exhaustion and He has been at the local library cramming knowledge before his exam next week, my friend has been hanging out with the Perfect Man. Yes, before you ask, he is ridiculously handsome, seems to be dishing out gifts and compliments in equal measure and, whenever I peak, he is naked to the waist.
More to the point, he isn’t grumbling that the fridge is empty or that he is too exhausted to clear the table/empty the dishwasher/make the bed. That’s actually the point; he doesn’t seem that keen to ever leave the bedroom. Oh and did I mention that he is a photographer with the body of a … model?
Are you feeling insanely jealous of my friend? Don’t. You too can run the quite brilliant Perfect Man App alongside your ‘real life’. Creators of the app, Sarah Woodhead, the ex-PR and celebrity party organiser extraordinaire and her partner, Amy Bevan, felt that there is too much emphasis placed on perfect in today’s society and that their software strikes a good balance of being tongue-in-cheek, entertaining, flattering and sexy to women (and interested men too).
Launched only last Christmas but with thousands of downloads already ‘under his belt’, the app offers a poet, a photographer, a business man, a fireman and a famous man for you to choose between. Unsurprisingly Laura Bailey, Mariella Frostrup, Sarah Brown and Georgie Thompson along with many others are blushing and giggling as they experience their Perfect Man. Priced at £1.49, there seems little reason not to…