Where would I be without my Sharpie permanent markers? Well, if you read my previous post about my utter boredom at sewing in name tags, you’ll know that these Sharpie pens are my absolute go-to when naming the Smalls’ uniforms, pencil cases, shoes etc.
What I DIDN’T know was that Sharpie sells an enormous assortment of deliciously coloured pens…. the lovely PRs sent me a bumper pack and we have been busying ourselves this afternoon decorating… and colouring with a spot of labelling too.
So, I have 4 prize bundles (each worth around £25) of Sharpies to give away for 4 lucky readers. All you have to do to enter this competition is sign up to my blog (top right of homepage), follow me on Twitter and the 4 packs of pens will be sent to the 4 lucky winners, picked at random on 19th September 2013.
To check out Sharpie’s full range, click here.

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