Oh… HELLO sunshine. We’re very pleased to meet you but did have just a couple of quick questions: Are you here to stay? Or just flirting a little warmth and brightness in our direction. You see, your big, bold entrance needs a little planning. And, if you are in fact here to stay, our winter toes and hibernation legs (ditto working upwards) need to know.
But if you’re going to be gone tomorrow, we can simply relax. Bundled up in lots of layers is the only way we really know how to dress. A hot sun only confuses British fashion and – let’s face – sandals are a minefield to negotiate.
Picnics, BBQs and a freezer full of ice-cream need planning too. Are lunchtime soups already VERY last month? What about sunglasses, umbrellas and that extended scarf?
So while we’re very happy to hear the birds chirping, to walk home in evening light and to feel the presence of a yellow ball of glow in the sky, it’s just that we need to know if you’re teasing. Are you part of some big joke?
Do let us know before there’s a hosepipe ban.
This column first appeared in The Lady where I am their Mum About Town.