Last night a chilled vibe of DJ house music could be heard from a penthouse roof on Great Marlborough Street, W1. Katie Lightfoot – along with those of us who couldn’t wait to see what the hype was all about – was celebrating the launch of her Mercy Delta silk printed blouses.
Not content with her luxury British printed scarves selling like hot cakes in Harvey Nichols, Matches, Liberty, Trilogy and Harrods, Katie has announced that she will be rolling out (exclusively in Trilogy stores initially) 13 versions of her stunning blouses for s/s 2013.
Along with LifeofYablon(!), celebrities at the launch last night included Camilla Rutherford, Amber Atherton, Tina Hobley, Alex Jones, Noelle Reno, Henry Conway and Sweeney movie star Caroline Chikezie.
So, for those of you who love your Tucker, Equipment and Joie shirts, the Mercy Delta blouses will be right up your street and – dare I say it – more feminine and flattering.