Such is the world that we live (and work) in that I have written 19 blog posts for my column in The Lady and yet never met my Editor. Often there’s little need to actually meet someone… through the keyboard, the job gets done and the deadline met.
But, you can’t really beat some old-fashioned face-to-face interaction. So, last week, I invited Katy Pearson to review lunch with me at the brand new Holborn Dining Room, down the road from The Lady magazine’s offices.
Designed by Martin Burdnizki, Rosewood Hotel’s latest eatery is a pretty handsome, traditional brasserie. Once a former bank hall, the space is large, opulent and seats a good 160.
Both Katy and I (as clever meeedja girls) promptly ordered a glass of wine while we perused the menu. With the heavy, wintery rain whirling up High Holburn, we decided to indulge in some ‘comfort food’.
As it turns out, Katy is a scream. Simply imagine a younger Caitlin Moran. Brilliantly witty, sharp as a tack and – I can only imagine – ruthless in business. The right side of 30, I wouldn’t be surprised if you’ll be seeing a lot more of her words (as well as editing) before she hits my ripe old age.
Anyway, we caught up like old friends (as you do with someone you’ve never met before) and covered off all those life conversations you never get round to covering with your nearest and dearest.
The food and service at Holburn Dining Room are a pure treat. Des McDonald, previously CEO of Caprice Group, is spot on with his latest venture and I plan to permanently relocate the Life of Y offices to his shiny red café. I was always a Balthazar type of girl. But, this trumps Keith McNally’s gaff, I’m afraid.
Hoborn Dining Room 252 High Holborn WC1
Ps next door to the restaurant is their delicatessen – selling coffees, croissants, fresh soup and a fine selection of British groceries. Perfect for a breakfast/lunch/dinner grab and run…