We should all be semi-professional chefs. Bombarded by recipes, cooking demonstrations and entire food TV channels, there really is no excuse for a ready meal. But cocktail instruction is less easy to come by. Which is why a learned friend of mine decided we needed to learn. She hired James Jammin (I like to believe this is his real name) to set up a bar in her front room and teach us how to mix, shake and pour.
Clearly I was a distracted student that night. Because I drank. So when it came to the mixing and the shaking, I was utterly useless.
And once we were all utterly useless (who wouldn’t be after 5 cocktails on an empty stomach?), we sat down to an exquisite Pakistani meal.
And then followed some hysterical living room dancing (the best type) and some non-advisable cocktail experiments…
Finally, cocktail biscuits were passed around. These had been baked and iced by my childhood friend Claudia Rose for the occasion. Call her on 07956 869291 to order any shape any size @ £2 per biscuit.
James at Jammin: bookings@jaminns.co.uk or call: 0117 953 1151