A while ago a friend (Juliet/Jules aka jools) told me of her new business idea with her friend (Michelle née/aka stone) before showing me a sneak preview of the recently designed jewels. And since then I’ve waited patiently for jools & stone‘s line of sparkles to launch. But good things come to those who wait and I was no less excited to see the full range a couple of weeks ago as the girls invited me over and rolled out the gems onto the dining room table.
I was so dazzled by the jewels that I couldn’t work out what to point my lens at first. So instead we dug into the cupcakes and tried on everything before I persuaded them to allow me to shoot their pretty mugs for their marketing.
Here is my interview with this brand new, beyond stunning jewellery line:
describe the launch collection in 3 words: simple precious discreet
what has inspired this collection? The idea behind the collection was very simple – we wanted to create white t-shirt jewellery that we would wear every day ourselves. Effortlessly luxurious pieces that you can throw on for an exercise class, wear in the shower, and then layer up at night. Things that make you feel great when you wear them without shouting out at anyone else across the street. Basically we make the things that we want to wear ourselves.
who would you love to see wearing your pieces? Anyone who loves wearing them.
where can we view the collection? We are currently stocked at the Athenaeum Hotel and Apartments on Piccadilly, and the Grove hotel in Hertfordshire.
who would be your ideal stockist? Dover Street Market
which pieces do you wear every day?
Jules – I always wear two ear cuffs and a diamond pinky ring. I literally never take them off.
Michelle – I wear the hammered gold hoop earrings, which were the first piece we ever designed, and a stack of gold bangles.
have you ever worked together before? No but we have known each other since we were teenagers, which makes things much easier.
who wears more jewels? We tend to wear slightly different pieces, but neither of us pack it on. We both believe less is more.
who is the designer? We both design, which is our favourite part of the business. We have slightly different personal styles, so we each bring something different to the table.
what can we expect next from jools & stone? lots of earrings. We are both obsessed about earrings.
tell us a jewel secret Stop your chains from knotting by leaving a short section poking out of your jools & stone pouch. And if you are only going to wear one item, make it earrings.
Don’t just take my word for it… pop into The Athenaeum or the Grove (who are showcasing the jewels) or jump into their site right now!
NB everything is made to order, with a four to six week delivery date.