That moment when you first wake up; that feeling that you can’t quite remember where you are. I had exactly THAT this morning.
And then I remembered, it’s Part Two of our Israel adventure and the futon-like bed in which he and I were lying was on a kibbutz. A really religious one.
So, I knew that we needed a day trip, it’s just that I hadn’t exactly planned what that might be when I booked the kibbutz part of our trip.
Being in this environment (where we pretty much stick out like a sore thumb) had actually been a real plan though. I’m the least likely person to seek out extra curricular religious observance except that I have this insatiable desire to appreciate different cultures and ways of life. MIX THIS with a constant irritation that we live too much of the good life, I woke up right here.
Anyway we hiked (up + down Mount Arbel) in intense heat, chilled our boots as we swam with locals in the Sea of Galilee (actually a lake) and ate dinner by the Jordan river, a popular baptism site.
Tomorrow we’re off again.
are you following me on Instagram @lifeofyablon? There you’ll find many more pictures + stories.