It’s all very well us doing a primitive sun dance around our unused BBQs this weekend but really there is a bigger problem to now concern our pretty little heads. (i.e. applies to those of us who are pretty and NOT those who can carry off the same cargo Gap shorts year after year.) You see, with very little need for fine summer togs, I have none. Actually – that’s not entirely true – I have a smattering of cotton dresses and some grey vest tops that have seen many a better day.
And then I remembered textile designer Michelle and her notorious house sales. Last year, the ultimate connector (Twitter) had put me in touch with her. Flicking a question about Velvet Tees into the twittersphere, @FrecklesSun had bounced back with a true gem.
I think they call it network marketing (Stella and Dot-ters would hang themselves with those hideous chains), as these house sales occur each season to the tune of Michelle’s friends of friends of friends rooting through slashed-priced rails of Not Shy, Just In Case, Samantha Sung, Butter by Nadia, Malene Berger, American Vintage and Anonymous while simultaneously diving head first into big bags of Velvet vest tops and dresses.
If your summer wardrobe needs a quick boost, head to Michelle’s house (in West Hampstead, NW6) this week:
Tues 9th July 6pm – late
Wed 10th July 12 noon – 4pm
Thurs 11th July 12 noon – 4pm
call 07985 985 676 for more details.