An artist I am NOT. But I do love mucking around with paints, brushes, pens and some really thick white paper. It’s the feeling I get, you see, each time I start something new. A blank piece of paper which could end up being anything at all – so it doesn’t seem to matter if the results are good or not. It’s about that starting-from-scratch pleasure.
Anyway, there were proper squeals of delight when Cass Art expressed interest in sponsoring Life of Yablon this month… and the squeals weren’t just from the Smalls. We often meander up to Hampstead with the sole intention of beefing up our ever-increasing art supply cupboard.
Cass Art are having a bit of a watercolour season at the moment so Mini and I swung by last week to learn a little more about is one of the most versatile forms of paint. Ailish Sullivan – one of the team (all the staff are artists) – was on hand to patiently take us through the basics. As I said, I am not an artist, and need all the help and assistance I can get!
Here are my top 5 tips:
- draw a simple design in pencil first, before the paper is too wet and soggy.
- tape down your watercolour paper if you don’t want it to buckle.
- make sure your brush isn’t too wet – Cass Art’s sable brushes are my favourites.
- if the colour seems too strong on the paper, you can always add some more water with your brush and dilute the effect.
- try sprinkling a little salt on a big wash of colour to see a special effect.
Ailish was keen to set me a challenge for the month. Presenting me with a huge pad of 50 watercolour sheets and a box of Winsor & Newton Artists’ watercolour paints, the Cass Art team have asked me to paint a picture a day during April. So far I’m on track (see my instagram feed for some egs) but I’d love to see your pretty pictures too… Why don’t you have a go and tag @cassartlondon and @lifeofyablon on Instagram so that we can gee each other along?
And… if you’re lacking in a few supplies, you can pop into your local Cass Art shop or shop online. I’m also running a competition for free goodies with Cass Art that you can enter here.