A couple of months after I had accepted that having the BRCA gene mutation was just part of my make-up, I started to seek out others in the same predicament. And I immediately noticed a curious thing. There was something different about BRCA girls. And today, with a number of BRCA girls getting in touch for moral support (as well as for hormone and bra advice), I continue to notice this identifiable streak. It’s a drive, a passion for life and a certain unique determination that nothing in this world will rock them.
So it didn’t surprise me at all to hear (via email) that two of those brilliant BRCA girls (sisters in fact) have launched a stunning children’s soft furnishing company retailing detailed, colourful and fun prints for children. Beautifully designed by Victoria and cleverly marketed by Charlotte, Victoria Crossman Kids has only just launched is already a BIG favourite in our house.
Mini uses her butterfly bag for ballet and tells me that it’s perfect ‘because it’s NOT pink.
Made of a heavy cotton twill but with waterproof lining, I thought the drawstring swim bags (£25) would make brilliant reader prizes so I’ve persuaded the sisters to throw one Princess and one Knight design in my direction.
All you have to do to enter this competition is tell me where the Victoria Crossman Kids designs are printed. The answer is on this page and please email the answer to Charlotte@victoriacrossmankids.co.uk before Wednesday 23rd October to be entered into the prize draw.
Follow Victoria Crossman Kids on twitter to hear first which items the sisters are adding to their rapidly expanding collection!

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