Category Archives: travel
mount of olives (Israel part one)
Camera in hand, I unlatched the hotel fire door and crept out onto the scorching roof. It was 5 o’clock in the afternoon but still intensely bright and a solid 30 degrees. The view. The whiteness. The intensity. Suddenly I … Continue reading
Filed under travel
needing a little Narnia
Just for the record, I wasn’t running away from being ‘another year older’. No. And I certainly wasn’t having any sort of middle age breakdown. It’s not my style. In fact, I actually don’t mind getting a little older… in my … Continue reading
oh Buoy…!
What is the definition of a holiday? To you. I mean, what are the ingredients that make you cry: Oh I’m really relaxed now! Oh I’m really having fun now! Oh oh ohhhh…! You see, the thing is we only … Continue reading
Filed under travel
postcards from Athens
Postcards are more than a dying form of snail mail. The Smalls always receive one (each) from journeying grandparents but I doubt many of us will agonise over those 50 or so words and lick that stamp this summer. Typically … Continue reading
Filed under Exclusive to website, travel