Category Archives: life
The Importance of Being Genuine
An old friend sent me an email this morning which I opened over my cooked breakfast. At a dinner party last night, she reported, the subject of blog writing had come up as some of the guests had aspirations to … Continue reading
Filed under life
House of Mouse
I was never very good at being that hostess with the most-est. All the excitement up front – the invitation, stocking up the fridge, fresh flowers by the bedside and the sweet-smelling bread in the oven. But then, as soon … Continue reading
Filed under life
6 London bloggers take to TARTAN
I’ve spent the last decade lusting after a business trip. Put simply: the NO homework, NO school run and the total thrill of travelling alone. But the only work trips I’ve squeezed myself out of the house and onto a … Continue reading
Filed under life, photography, shopping, travel
what’s SO funny?
What really tickles you? And your Smalls? Do you laugh at one and the same – or are you mostly amused by each other’s presence? I only ask because, after 8 weeks of living in close quarters, I’m a little … Continue reading
Filed under Exclusive to website, him, kids, life, The Lady Magazine