Category Archives: life
Melody Rose & her Kissing Couple
It’s about this time of year I start to think about our wedding anniversary. He and I have (almost) been married 14 years and already it feels like a lifetime. Such different people we are now from the young innocent … Continue reading
Filed under Exclusive to website, him, life, prizes, shopping
film review: Downhill
In a post last week I briefly mentioned that I had seen a preview screening of a new British comedy called Downhill. This is, in a nutshell, the story of 4 old school friends (albeit some 30 years previously) who … Continue reading
Filed under Exclusive to website, film, life
Banana Republic’s Marimekko collection & a 2-part Thursday
Thursday was very clearly divided into 2 parts. The first part was a normal blog day. I popped into Soho to see a media preview screening of Downhill. I laughed and cried in equal measure during this rather unusual Brit … Continue reading
cake/life choices
One of my favourite local deli/coffee shops is called Black Truffle on England’s Lane. I love the way the owner, Ben O’Toole, lines the walls with food, the way the light floods into the cafe, its high ceilings, artisan Climpson … Continue reading