Category Archives: life
socially sharing our children
Honestly, this post has been a long time coming. But the week that saw a ‘celebrity instagrammer’ banned (albeit temporarily) from the social media network has been enough to spark me off good and proper. Because, out came the opinions… … Continue reading
Filed under kids, life, photography
Matilda Temperley’s photography
A couple of weeks ago Small and his broken arm accompanied me during what-should-have-been a games lesson to interview the photographer Matilda Temperley. Alice’s sister and a hugely talented lens-artist in her own right, we sat in her garden and … Continue reading
Filed under Exclusive to website, life, photography
restaurant review: OPSO the new Greek in town
So the plan for Opso had been to turn up a little unannounced. Simply because the PR had said that the restaurant wasn’t quite ready for reviewers. Which is… exactly… red rag to a (blogger) bull. Especially as rumour had … Continue reading
Father’s Race Day
The private equity squad took up their positions on the starting line. It was the moment they had been waiting for – since this time last year. Some in suits and ties but many modelling the traditional ‘dress-down’ uniform of … Continue reading
Filed under life