Category Archives: life
Wright Brothers Soho
Friendship is a funny old thing. It comes in many guises and needs to be handled with care. Plus, it isn’t at all predictable. So just when you think you’re not about to make a new friend – BOOM – … Continue reading
Filed under Exclusive to website, food, friends, life
Cracknell and Atherton MAN up
We hear a lot of the rise of the mumpreneurs. The stay-at-home mum who keeps one eye on seven smalls while launching a multi-billion pound business from her kitchen table. But I must confess, I’ve got a bit of a … Continue reading
Kasabian at iTunes Festival
10 years ago a British rock band was breaking the scene. Except that I wasn’t rocking’ in the least bit. I was either heavily pregnant or pushing a buggy about town and Kasabian would have entirely passed me by. Actually, the baby … Continue reading
Filed under life
a (rare) moment of middle age joy
I’m not SO predictable. I like to think. To fit the mould (I fight), I’d sit here and write how divine it is to have an empty house after the long weeks of summer madness. I’d wax lyrical about the … Continue reading