Category Archives: life
oh SO busy…
Busy, busy oh so busy. Quite literally the buzz word of today. Even out trumping ‘stressed’ and ‘exhausted’, I feel like I can’t cross the road without someone telling me just how extraordinarily SWAMPED they are. How are you? I … Continue reading
Filed under life
interview with Miss_Magpie_Spy
Amid the image noise that is the instagram we love, I found miss_magpie_spy, a fashion illustrator, passionate about her vibrantly colourful sketches as well as her fashion designer day-job. As more and more of her sketches popped up in her feed, … Continue reading
Filed under life
stickiest bear in town
It’s nothing to do with the fact that Lady Y makes the best EVER marmalade. Nor that Peru is high on my bucket list. Or that I have a (secret) thing for brown fluffy bears… But I’m just so over … Continue reading
all power to the duvet day
We’re all muttering the same thing. Like a broken Mummy record. “Such a long term this is!” “If only they weren’t so exhausted!” “these short dark days are getting to us” “… just got to keep going…” Except that Mini … Continue reading