Category Archives: health and fitness
Plenish Cleanse: interview with founder Kara Rosen
paxil 40 mg tablet generic West London living but a New Yorker at heart, Kara is a pure advert for her cleanse. She has legitimate reasons for having turned juices into a business, knows her legumes from her colonics and … Continue reading
Filed under health and fitness
PILATES: home and away
I’m not stupid. I know I can’t kick box my way into old age. But our Gavin The Champ sessions are such sweaty fun that I fear I might trudge down the road with a Zimmer frame to avoid EVER … Continue reading
Filed under health and fitness
Frame: one last stab at ballet
I had hardly got into the swing of pointing my toes (aged 5ish) when Lady Y was taken aside by the ballet teacher (who happened to be her friend – even more mortifying) to say that I wasn’t really cut … Continue reading
Filed under health and fitness
Lululemon: exercise in marketing
If you took this marketing segment: affluent, fashion-following females who like to look good in work-out gear and herded them into a focus group session, you’d find that there are two clear camps: 1) those who have never heard of … Continue reading
Filed under health and fitness, shopping, social