Category Archives: film
Jiro Dreams of Sushi: date night
I feel I should share with you all when a date night goes well. Not in a smug way, I assure you. It’s just that date nights can SO easily go wrong. The wrong comment, snigger or even sideways glance … Continue reading
Life of Pi 3D review: The Tiger who came to Sea
My sister in law looked visibly shocked the first time I had the ‘zoo conversation’ with her. How could any woman who calls herself a mother REFUSE to take her Smalls to the zoo? Well, if you hate the concrete … Continue reading
Filed under film
in awe of Rust and Bone
A whale trainer meets a nightclub bouncer and they fall in love. The end. That’s how to make Jacques Audiard’s beautifully directed film, Rust and Bone (De rouille et d’os) sound dull. In reality, it is anything but. Stephanie (Oscar-winning actress Marion … Continue reading
Filed under fabulous finds, film
BFI London Film Festival: Affleck’s Argo and A Reluctant Fundamentalist
The BFI London Film Festival has spoilt me rotten this week. Ben Affleck and I enjoyed his new film Argo (he is both director and protagonist) at the Wednesday night Leicester Square premiere. As he didn’t have kids’ homework and … Continue reading
Filed under film