The best thing about Sundays is the faint promise of a roast. With a Yorkshire father, childhood roasts only appeared along with the FULL trimings: onions, gravy, stuffing, a full selection of veg and – never without – his birthright pud.
This morning we didn’t set out looking for anything in particular for lunch. The three of them kicked the football through Regents Park as I strode ahead. Marylebone Farmers Market lay ahead waiting for us to choose only the freshest veg and an enormous selection of pies and pastries.
As we left the market, we passed by The Ginger Pig and Small immediately took a fancy to one of their beef and potato pasties.
I was glancing at the succulent pieces of roast lamb and glistening roast potatoes on display trying to work out how on earth you could eat them on the move…
The lady behind the counter explained that along with gravy and mint jelly, they jump inside a huge brown bap to form, what is quite probably, the most delicious sandwich in the world. A roast sandwich.
We ordered away before promptly finding the nearest, quiet curb for a blustery, pretty alternative but utterly delicious Sunday roast lunch.
Once home, we attacked the apple and blackberry crumble we had bought at the market. With lots of hot custard, of course.
The Ginger Pig 8-10 Moxon St W1