Neighbour and I headed into Soho last night in search of some pure British luxury design. Creative friend had pulled together an AW12 showcase of her clients and other admired brands in the white linen table-clothed, Quo Vadis, Dean Street. Healthy-sized Broker’s gin and tonic were thrust into our eager mitts as we flirted and giggled like suspicious schoolgirls, pouring over the new season home-grown fashion.
Rule Britannia moments included:
Having drained the quintessentially English tipple, we sloped off to Cay Tre , a modern yet cosy Vietnamese, further down Dean Street. Highly recommended on the twittersphere by jewellery designer @JuliaBurness (see previous post), we weren’t in the least bit disappointed. Neighbour devoured a Bun Sa at breakneck speed. To those, like us, who don’t know what this is, expect a big bowl of vermicelli noodles, cucumber, bean sprouts, mixed, peanuts with sautéed lemongrass. I choose red sea prawns in a light black pepper sauce with a bowl of brown rice.
All in all, a typical Soho night out; British and yet not.

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