I like to call him ‘Boss’ as he is the founder of Evolv Digital. When I’m not blogging, supported by some really talented web designers, programmers and online geeks, Boss and I provide online marketing solutions for our dearest clients. And I’m always keen to multi-task so, as he is visiting from Malta (where his day job and family are based), I made the executive decision that he and I should catch up while reviewing breakfast.
42°Raw is London’s brand new raw food café. Located just inside the Royal Academy, in the heart of Mayfair, I had heard great things about this healthy fast food joint. The concept is simple: all ingredients are 100% plant based and none of the food has been cooked above 42 degrees, which is the point at which those precious enzymes are damaged. Founded by Jesper Rydahl, who opened the first 42°Raw in Copenhagen in 2009, I starved myself pre-school run and met an equally hungry Boss at the door.
A bit of background on the Boss. He hates all healthy food, let alone raw and green. I suppose taking him to 42°Raw was a little bit of a prank as he reads LifeOfYablon and was probably looking forward to a slightly more indulgent option.
We both ordered a smoothie. I choose the Seattle (celery, spinach, cucumber £4.50) while he thought he would be ‘safe’ with the strawberry and ginger (£4.50) and to eat…. well, if I’m honest, there are only three breakfast options. He had the tub of museli with almond milk (£4) and I, bravely, helped myself to the organic chia-cocao pudding (banana, hemp seeds, chia seeds, raw cocoa £4).
The café’s whitewashed tables in the museum’s entrance hall were empty (to be fair it was 930am on a Monday). We ate and sipped and caught up on online life. The food was clean tasting and vibrant in colour but was it delicious? I couldn’t go that far. It tasted almost too good for you. While the philosophy is admirable and the nutrients welcome, I am not convinced the café has enough mainstream appeal.
Boss was hungry afterwards. He was dreaming of a sausage sandwich. We had to take a diversion via Starbucks on the way to the client meeting.
42°Raw The Royal Academy, 6 Burlington Gardens, W1