I used to be a really annoying person in a drama. That person who tries to stay calm but manages to amplify the tension by either (nervous) giggling or asking a billion useless questions.
Our Longboat besties have recently invested in a sizable floating vessel. She is stunning, full of all those mod cons you’d die for in your home, let alone on a boat. Catalina is her name and, since receiving her for her 40th birthday, my friend is fast learning the ropes. Courses for horses, practical hours with Captain Jim and …. well, each excursion brings its challenges – and there is probably no better way to learn.
Anyway, yesterday we had a bit of a boat drama.
In short, we made the error of coming out of the channel (in the bay), seeking a perfect fishing spot. The water suddenly became very shallow and the boat grounded. Engines immediately failed and when we tried to drop the anchor, it JAMMED. As if on cue, the wind and current picked up rapidly and before we could anchor down with the back anchor, we found ourselves (these things always happen at speed) floating fast towards the rocky sandbank, close to a seriously concrete bridge.
And there appeared our Christmas angel, in the form of hipster Jake and Nelly his stunning dog. When he could have hollered (Yanks don’t shout) obscenities at us from dry land, he simply waded out, hopped on board and instructed us kindly.
A flag using a towel tied to a pole was made to attract attention to ourselves and (this is the best bit) my Him was volunteered to stand in the freezing water and hold the (heavy) front of the boat to prevent any more driftage. For the best part of an hour.
SeaTow (Think AA on water but less friendly) eventually arrived and got us out of our pickle.
Friend restarted the motor and carefully and calmly steered us back into the marina. Once we had cold beers in hand, MY did we laugh….
Interestingly – glancing at my camera roll – I noticed that the drama had me refocusing my lens and capturing the whole episode… probably as a tension diversion… hence being able to share our comic adventure here.
Whatever floats your boat, I suppose.