Given a white t-shirt and a pink pen, what would you write?
I wrote on mine: Don’t Ignore It.
Interior designer Kelly Hoppen MBE wrote: Too Old?
Actress and artist Leah Wood wrote: Too Young? Think again.
DJ and model Leah Weller wrote: Know the signs & symptoms… I DO!
Fashion designer Zandra Rhodes wrote: Don’t delay. Call your GP today.
DJ Krystal Roxx wrote: Know the signs, know the symptoms.
And then we put on our Ts and danced (badly in my case – see video!) while George Michael’s superbly talented photographer, Caroline True, got truly snap happy.
And this was the photo-shoot, organized by the medical research charity, Breast Cancer Campaign, to highlight the crucial message of #EarlyDetection surrounding breast cancer. It’s the week of Mother’s Day, making the message even more poignant … so I’m calling all mothers, daughters, granddaughters, grandmothers, aunts and sisters to enjoy your special day but make it also a day to check yourself.
Breast Cancer Campaign is launching this campaign following a survey undertaken by ICM Research that reveals that more than half of women in the UK fail to check their breasts at least every month and almost three quarters of women rarely or never discuss checking their breasts with friends or family. Let’s change that.
Visit to help understand the signs and symptoms of breast cancer.