I’ve told you before about the genie who lives in our house under the stairs. She’s very happy down there and only really ventures out to blow dry my hair while the Smalls help themselves to breakfast every morning. IN MY DREAMS. Because honestly, there’s no wonder that Anna Wintour’s tresses look so damn fine, day in day out.
However, in the real world, I simply throw a brush at my head and – more often than I should – my barnet goes up and out of the way before I exit the door. In a wild panic. Yes. I can honestly confirm that there is no genie whatsoever.
So, an invitation to get myself to Redchurch Street, Shoredich for a pre-work blow dry (and manicure) was too much to pass up on. But armed with my unhealthy desire to obsessively multitask – it felt more adpt to drag along ‘the boss’. Overdue a catch up and utterly positive that this would appeal to her crazy diary, we were first into Barber & Parlour as it flung open its doors on Thursday morning.
Within minutes, heads were wet and coffees on standby. A little painting and some big blow dries followed while our breakfasts were cooked. The whole process was seamless, relaxing and… actually really amusing too. You see, our host for the morning was Pooja – head of marketing at Soho House (of which B&P is one of their more recent ventures). I knew Pooja when she was the marketing head honcho for Food and Beverages at Harrods and she’s no less fun now with Soho House.
With digital/blogger gossip at full-throttle, the only issue was that no one wanted to leave the party.
Barber & Parlour 64-66 Redchurch St E2