I want to sing from the rooftops – except that I can’t sing and have no idea how to actually climb onto my roof. Or I could send an urgent memorandum to all women in the country – but, of course, that would be spam. So instead I’ll just have to write another blog post.
But listen up, as this time, I come bearing great, wondrous (hair) news. The genius techies at BaByliss have gone and surpassed themselves this time with the recent launch of their New Big Hair: rotating soft-bristled ceramic-barreled styler…. phew… I feel better just imparting the news of such thrilling times.
I had heard how good the original Big Hair version was – via Provence. A school friend of mine has always had perfectly coiffed hair. In fact, I remember after lacrosse one day her showing me how to set hair in rollers, properly, Steel Magnolia style. The surrounding sheep and cows in deepest darkest Kent had never seen anything quite so glamorous. Anyway, she was the first to give me the BaByliss Big Hair heads up.
So I begged the PRs to send me one and in it trotted, shooting hot (but not too hot) air to the roots of my hair as it strutted up the stairs to my bedroom.
As recommended, I used it on 80% dry hair and experimented on Mini’s thick mane as well as my own much finer /more fly-away version. The rotating brush and hot air calmly smoothed without the hair knotting nor blood draining from my arm – as it tends to when I try to impersonate my hairdresser.
So today’s news is that FRIZZ has departed my life – in its place I have nothing short of killer voluminous locks along with some serious shine and kick-ass body.
Mini and I both looked like we’d ‘just stepped out of a salon’ and high fived each other at our new effortless live-in stylist.
Don’t wait a second longer – purchase this winner here and join me on the roof.
BaByliss New Big Hair Spinning Brush £44.99