Is the big brow taking a bow? Where does the wag arch end? And what on earth is the ‘boy brow’? If these questions confuse you as much as they did me, let me take you on my eyebrow educating journey as I discovered how short, long, drawn, dyed, arched and even bejewelled (as was experimented with by Chanel’s creative director Peter Philips at the recent fashion shows) the funny strip of hair above our eyes should be.
Along with boyfriend jeans and grandfather jumpers, the boy brow is very much on trend this season. And it is bold and bushy so wave goodbye to your thin arch and head for the Benito Brow Bar where the Back to Wow three-visit treatment, £75 leaves you tinted, toned and honed – ready to walked the streets with a perfectly groomed brow.
As with most trends, the reality sets in pretty early on that we won’t ‘look good in it’ so for those, like me, who don’t fancy a flashback of my mono-brow of teenage years, you need to reassess the look you are going for.
read my brow feature in its entirety on Beauty and The Dirt.