A couple of weeks ago Small and his broken arm accompanied me during what-should-have-been a games lesson to interview the photographer Matilda Temperley. Alice’s sister and a hugely talented lens-artist in her own right, we sat in her garden and chatted about those awful Somerset floods, changing career (she was deep into tropical infectious diseases before switching to photography) and how easy it is to work with family (she shoots all of the Temperley shows).
Clearly passionate about being a little provocative (the floods became pretty political), she also is known for her stylised portraiture of marginalised societies.

Dancer – available for purchase at Lumitrix
I must admit that initially I was quite intimidated snapping away at a photographer … but pretty quickly became so absorbed in her stunning work. Now I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy of her book UNDER THE SURFACE – SOMERSET FLOODS – out on 8th July.
what did you snap on your iPhone today? A boyfriend asleep and my to-do list
Thoughts on Instagram? Brilliant fast inspiration for a visual world.
Describe your artist style? Constantly evolving – I hope.
And your fashion style? A bit lazy and very practical. Never any high heels.
Why photography? I love the process, the immediacy and the flexibility
What do you shoot on? Canon 5D mark 3s and a Mamiya 7II, and a Nikon F series
How many lens/cameras do you have? 5 cameras and about 10 lenses but always in a state of flux
Do you draw? I used to draw but now never.
The shows are stressful, how do you mix family and work? So far I have left having kids to my sisters so that’s not an issue for me. During the shows I usually just do a couple of events. Temperley obviously and one or two more. I would never go show to show as a photographer as it’s far too stressful.
Do YOU like being photographed? I hate being photographed generally. I think most photographers do.
If you could shoot anyone in the world, who would you choose? That’s a very hard question. As a photographer you have the very great luxury of being able to choose what you want to see. I am hoping to do some work in the Amazon on indigenous land rights – that will be a dream both in terms of subjects and location.
What hangs on your walls? I mostly have images propped against my walls but at the moment I have a big African portrait.
Holiday snaps? I take very few and turn off.
some of Matilda’s photography can be purchased on Lumitrix and her book is available here.

African Boy – £50 from Lumitrix