Our new au pair thinks I am raving mad. Not because the postman seems to deliver a package every day (usually an item for review) but because I won’t allow her to listen to her music while she irons this morning. You see, there is every chance that Alexa Chung’s new book will be delivered while I am on the school run. And I can’t WAIT a single minute longer for it.
But you can relax. I was back home in time to greet my postie with open arms as he delivered my copy of IT, the style bible penned by the 29-year-old British-Chinese rock-chick. I promptly made a big cup of green tea and delved inside.
As you can hear, I have a FULL ON girl crush on Alexa. She is IT. She’s the girl who can sell us anything and yet, on closer on inspection, she is not a model, actress or pop star. She’s dabbled in TV presenting but ran a mile from the warped modeling world so we should simply accept, and of course appreciate, her skills as a style guru. And that she is. Named Style Icon of the Year three years running at the British Fashion Awards, it is not surprising Mulberry asked her lend her name (and style) to one of their handbags.
In fact there isn’t a nail polish, eye liner or piece of clothing which wouldn’t DIE to be associated with the Chung factor.
OK, I’m now ranting. Because I’m Alexa-obsessed.
Back to the book, which includes her own photographs and drawing – as Alexa clarified at her Liberty book launch earlier this week: ‘it’s definitely not an autobiography, but it’s me writing, so in a way it probably will have that element.’
Personally, it feels like a notebook full of her ideas, thoughts and art, a peak behind her ultra-cool façade. And guess what, it’s pretty cool.
It by Alexa Chung is published by Particular Books and currently costs £11.55 on Amazon.