This month’s sponsor of Life of Yablon is the delicious juice cleanse company, Plenish. And – with less than a couple of weeks before I will be on a beach (albeit an English one before the BIG trip to the West Coast of America) – I welcome these colourful bottles into my fridge.
But it’s not simply about weightless or a flatter stomach (would it really make me any happier?). No, it’s about energy levels, clearer skin and a feeling of being lighter, cleverer and bouncier.
There’s no point waxing lyrical about these juices – they taste FAB, fill you up and mean you don’t have to cook. That’s enough to make ME happy!
To enter this JUCIY competition to win a 3 day juice cleanse with Plenish (worth £240), just click here and get cleansing.

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